The funny thing is that a lot of books on calligraphy have a section on various projects--usually bookmarks,, certificates, and birthday cards. Problem was, I didn't like the format these cards have, and I was looking for something that would represent a common link we had (we're both Hungarians). I decided I would create my own format--something that would allow me to showcase calligraphy, and still be able to personnalise it. While going through the embroidery pattern books we had at home, I found this pattern from Kalocsa I loved. It was a pattern for a tablecloth or runner, and at each end was a bouquet of flowers. I loved how this bouquet of diverse flowers blossomed out of a large centrepiece rose. The flowers were coloured with coloured pencils, in a way that would (attempt to) resemble embroidery thread, to give the impression the flowers had been embroidered onto the sheet.
The border is a well-known Hungarian folk greeting/blessing song, usually sung at birthdays by Hungarian scouts (another common link), and was written in a Cancelleresca script, in blue, so as not to clash with the blue cornflowers, and the main greeting was written in a flourished italic script, in red, to tie in with the rose. Of course, I'm not entirely satisfied with the result. The border script wasn't calculated out precisely, and as a result I ended up writing the song one-and-a-half times around the edge, and I hadn't spaced out the lines of the main greeting correctly, giving a cramped look.
However, I did manage to salvage the capital B. That scared me, right at the beginning of the final calligraphy.
All in all, for a first try, pretty good!
This is what I can remember a year after the fact...
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